BUMP: Butler United Methodist Preschool

August/September 2010 Newsletter


As we enter our first month of preschool, we hope that the excitement continues for all of the children as they attend BUMP each day. Please remember, parents, your help with goodbye in the mornings can help set the tone for the rest of the day. By having a quick goodbye and not lingering in the room or by the door, your child will ease into preschool much sooner. It is always hard to tell our babies goodbye, but please remember a quicker drop off will shorten the time of transition each morning. As always, if your child needs you, we will contact you immediately.

 You may drop off your child between 7:50 and 8:10 AM. Pick up time is from 11:30 until 11:45 am. Please do not get out of your vehicle when picking up your child. We want to maintain a safe pick up area, and your help in this matter is greatly appreciated. Please do not be offended if you are also asked to show a form of ID as the school year begins. We are only trying to keep our preschoolers safe and this extra step may be required as we learn each of your faces.

 Also, each child was given a BUMP tote and plastic folder. Please look in the folder each day. This is our way of sending home papers and any parent-teacher communications. If paperwork needs to be signed and returned to the school, please do so using the folder. Always empty your child’s folder each night and return it to school with him/her each day. Don’t forget about sending in your child’s school supplies. Please refer to the attached note so you will know what your child needs.

 Birthdays for August & September are: August 6, Taylor Moore; August 30 Emma Reese Giles; September 7, Mrs. Nancy; September 8, Andrew Posey; September 19, Kilie Barrow; and September 22, Logan Windham. Happy Birthday to each of you!

 Remember, you may share your child’s birthday with us. Just let your teacher know if you plan to have a party at school. You will be responsible for cupcakes, chips, napkins, and drinks for 35 children. We gather in the fellowship hall as a group at 10:30 am for all birthday parties. You are also responsible for set up and clean up of the party.

 We will observe Labor Day with a school holiday on Monday, September 6.

 Tuition is $75 per month and is due by the 1st of each month. Please give your money to your teacher and she will give you a receipt for your payment. Remember that tuition not paid by the 5th is late and will incur late fees.

 School pictures will be taken Thursday, September 9. You will receive more information at a later date. Package and pricing information will be distributed before picture day.

 Your child is allowed to enjoy a Share Day in his/her class. However, please note that share days are observed on Thursdays only.

 Graduation will be handled a bit differently this year. Due to size and space constraints, the three year old classes will not have a graduation ceremony. Only the four year old classes will participate in the graduation program at the end of the year. We appreciate your understanding regarding this matter! The three year olds will have other opportunities throughout the year to share their school experiences with friends and family by participating in other programs.

 Enclosed with this newsletter is the list of party committees. Please mark your calendar for the party you are assigned to help with. If you have a conflict, please contact someone on your committee to work out an alternate plan.

 Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest and has a good, nutritious breakfast before coming to school each day. This gives him/her a jump start on a great and fun-filled day at BUMP. You will receive a newsletter each month from the staff to keep you informed of each month’s activities. If you have a specific concern, please feel free to talk to your child’s teacher or a member of our BUMP Board. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for trusting us with your child’s care and early education!

 May God Continue to Bless and Keep You and Your Family,

BUMP Teachers

 Mrs. Nancy, Mrs. Amy, Mrs. Shelly, and Mrs. Ginger


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